What to expect ?

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

— Albert Einstein

    • Membership, Booking & amp; Payment are handled prior to your visit, through our website.

    • Please turn off your cell phone and/or leave it in the car.

    • Please refrain from wearing any perfume and lotions. The average perfume/fragrance contains 1000+ toxic chemicals.

    • We encourage you to consider fasting or having a light meal before your session. You can learn more about the benefits of fasting here.

    • HYDRATE! Up to 60% of the human body is water and we need it to sustain our connectivity and flow in life!

    • Take some time to set your intentions! Our thoughts and emotional states are creating our reality whether we are consciously choosing or not. I invite you to consciously choose to create your own Heaven on Earth and enter the sanctuary with an empowered mind, an open heart and a grateful state knowing that it is done. Ask and you shall receive.

    • Wear comfortable clothes and consider layers and/or bring a blanket.

    • The Sanctuary is a shoe free zone. You will be asked to remove your shoes before entering, so you may wish to bring a pair of cozy socks.

    • The lighting is kept dim in the sanctuary. If you prefer darkness, please bring an eye- mask, or purchase one of ours.

    • To preserve an environment of healing and regeneration, we encourage quiet and stillness in the sanctuary. Ambient music and/or the sounds of nature will play softly in the background. If you prefer deeper silence, consider bringing ear plugs or noise canceling headphones.

    • Consider bringing a clear glass bottle of water and/or a few of your supplements or crystals so they can be scalar enhanced during your session.

    • Please remember to turn off your cell phone and refrain from wearing perfume.

    • Please honor your own needs while also recognizing others are on their own, individual journey as well. Inappropriate behavior that impacts the comfort and safety of our team or other members will not be tolerated.

    • No food or drinks (other than water) allowed in the sanctuary.

    • We purposely spaced our sessions 30 minutes apart for our members to commune and create bonds. We encourage you to take advantage of that opportunity to share and find support from others on the healing journey.

    • All sessions will begin and end on schedule. Additional time will not be added to your appointment should you arrive late or need to excuse yourself from the session.

    • Restrooms are located within the building. To minimize disruptions, we recommend you use the bathroom before your session, especially if you come well prepared and hydrated.

    “Our body knows how to heal itself, the challenge is to calm the mind”

    • After you get settled, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and relax.

    Quiet prayer, mindful meditation or a nap are highly recommended. Whatever you choose to do, be mindful of your thoughts. Focus on what you want (health, vitality, wholeness…etc) Do not think of the dis-ease or the pain.

    If you are a novice meditator, focusing on your breath is a quick and sure way to get out of your mind so breathe deeply and intentionally. Place your hands on your heart and start by thanking your body and appreciating its divine design. Gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership. See and feel yourself whole and healed. No matter what your current circumstances are, if you can imagine something better, you can create it.

  • Our bodies’ innate intelligence knows what to prioritize and directs the energy. We live in a toxic soup and for the majority, a detoxification process starts taking place. If your detox pathways are blocked, you may experience nausea, headache, dizziness, restlessness, tightness, etc.- It is important to support your body to release those toxins.

    • Take a sea salt detox bath within 24-hours of your session. Recipe and variations are posted on the resource page. Get your salt detox bath recipe here!

    • HYDRATE! HYDRATE! HYDRATE! Before, after and during your session. Water is a vital nutrient to the life of every cell.

    • Treat yourself to a heavy metal detox smoothie. There are many recipes but here is some to get you started. Get your detox juice recipe here!

    • Sweat better! Infrared sauna, hot yoga, rebounding or any form of exercise will help you sweat the toxins out.

    • Coffee enema can be done daily especially if you get a headache or feel that your body needs extra support.

    • A warm castor oil pack on the liver improves detoxification.